start with quality magnets and find more.
We'll make sure you are equipped with top notch magnet fishing gear so that you can find more underwater. With Centurion fishing magnets, you can confidently magnet fish with a magnet that actually pulls things out, without waisting your cash on other magnets.
Maybe you are like us, you had a fishing magnet but it broke on you. Or maybe it looked much bigger in the photos than when you got it. We feel you! This was our problem and the reason we started Centurion Magnetics so that other's didn't have to waste their hard earned money on junk.
Our mission is simple. To equip everyone from beginners to seasoned magnet fishers with gear that they can depend on. Our goal is to get quality gear into the hands of new magnet fishers from the start, and to continue to equip the pros.

We could talk about all the proprietary manufacturing processes we use, the top grades of neodymium that set our magnets apart or the video tutorials included. But honestly that is not even what we feel the biggest difference is (although for real, our stuff is top shelf good).
The real difference is that Centurion is all about community. We are part of creating the Magnet Fishing Master community online, and have seen more than 8500 members join in the last year alone. It's full of mom and dads, grandmas and grandpas, and sons and daughters who have fallen in love with magnet fishing. They, like us, have come to find that not only do we get to find awesome things underwater, but also get to contribute to cleaning up the environment. We have been able to support one of the largest gatherings of magnet fishers to teach kids how to clean the waters using their fishing magnets. How cool is that!
“I just loved the idea of equipping people with tools to clean the water and find treasures”
As a young kid I was either doing one of two things, pretending to be on a treasure hunting adventure or the CEO of a business where i bossed my little brothers around (It was a sweet set up).But in all seriousness, when the chance came to start our own family business it was a dream come true. I mean, how awesome is it that i get to wake up each morning and equip and guide grown adults to become real life treasure hunters who also double as cleaners of the environment!
It's really become more than a business, but a family, a tribe. Every day someone from across the country or around the world, pulls out another scrap of metal, lost historical item, or gun connected to a cold case with their magnet. I love being part of that, we all do at Centurion Magnetics and I am confident you will too.